Explore the Uganda Equator : Uganda holds significance as one of the 13 countries in the world through which the Equator passes. The other countries through which the equator passes include; Ecuador, Brazil, Somalia, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia, Indonesia, Maldives, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Kiribati and Sao Tome and Principe. The equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into two hemispheres that is the northern and southern hemispheres. The fun fact about countries that are crossed by the equator is that they do not experience winter, summer, autumn / fall and spring but rather they experience dry and wet seasons as the areas around the equator are generally warm throughout the year due to the warm equatorial climate. In Uganda, the Equator passes right from Democratic republic of Congo through western Uganda to eastern Uganda until it enters Kenya. It crosses 12 districts namely; Kasese, Ibanda, Kazo, Kitagwenda, Bukomansimbi, Sembabule, Mayuge, Mpigi, Namayingo, Butambala, kalungu and Buvuma and the equatorial islands of Lake Victoria called Lwaji and Damba Island. There are three equator landmarks in Uganda with monuments to show the north and south poles namely; Entebbe, kayabwe in Mpigi district and Kasese. It should be noted that while on a Uganda wildlife safari in western Uganda one can be able to pass via the equator especially before reaching Lake Mburo national park, Queen Elizabeth national park and Kibale national park. The nearest Equator land mark to Kampala capital city of Uganda is Entebbe which is approximately 41.8km and Kayabwe which is 77 km from Kampala capital city.

Tourist activities at the Equator of Uganda.

Carrying out Experiments; while at the equator landmarks of Uganda for example in Kayabwe in Mpigi district, one can carry out the weight experiment. It should be noted that while at 0 degrees Latitude, one is lighter due to weight reduction of approximately 3% lighter due to the high centrifugal force that in turn cancels the forces of gravity making one seem lighter. Carrying out the water experiment also known as coriolisis effect is when water is poured it goes straight down all these experiments are fun and thrilling and can indeed give answers to the tourists burning questions.

Photography; At the beautiful land marks at Kasese, kayabwe and Entebbe one can stand at the north and south poles and take beautiful pictures as a group or as an individual as souvenir to remember that one has been to the Equator in Uganda. One can also take pictures of the surrounding water bodies, vegetation or buildings at the Equator as they are beautiful and bright.

Exploring and Purchase of crafts; Particularly at the Equator land mark of Kayabwe Mpigi district, one can get to the local craft shops and markets and acquire Ugandan crafts such as; Handmade baskets, mats, African print clothing and textiles, beautiful wood carvings and sculpture of objects, animals, humans to mention but a few, pottery, Ceramics, vases, Jewellery, accessories, beads to mention but a few. However, a quick tip to tourists would be learning to negotiate for prices to attain a reasonable price, minding about the quality of material one is purchasing, supporting the local crafts men by Purchasing however small it is as this shall keep them in production, tourists are also encouraged to exchange some of their foreign currency to Ugandan money to ease purchase especially in the local markets.

Community Tour; While at the Equator land mark especially at Kayabwe in Mpigi District, one can visit the local people who are commonly known as the Baganda people who speak Luganda and are of Bantu origin these people have interesting stories and delicious local cuisine of cooked smashed green bananas and g-nut sauce for food, while at kayabwe equator landmark one can go to the local restaurant and enjoy the various local delicacies.

Explore the Uganda Equator
Explore the Uganda Equator

Relaxation at the hotels and lodges; Around Equator land marks, exists hotels and restaurants where one can get a meal, drink some beverages and take a relaxing rest while they prepare for other trips in the parts of the country.

Uganda wildlife safari; one can book for a Uganda wildlife safari for example at Queen Elizabeth national park and Lake Mburo national park and travel back to their accommodation at Kayabwe Equator landmark or Entebbe. While at these national parks one stands a chance to view wildlife such as; Zebra, Giraffe, Baboons, leopards, buffaloes, lions, hyenas, mongooses, sitatunga, pygmy antelopes, reedbucks, serval cats, forest hogs, red tailed monkeys, black and white    colobus monkeys, bush duikers including red and blue duikers, rock hyraxes, tree hyraxes, leopards, klipspringers, squirrels, side striped and black backed jackals, bush pigs among others.

Uganda birding safari; National parks such as Queen Elizabeth are crossed by the Equator after exploring the Equator at Kasese one can go birding and view the various bird species such as; Papyrus gonolek, black and white casqued hornbill, pink backed pelican, saddle billed stork, red chested sunbird, African skimmer, black headed gonolek, grey heron, great blue turaco, glossy ibis, golden rumped tinkerbird, dusty blue flycatcher, eastern grey plantain eater, emerald-spotted wood dove, African open billed stork, black headed oriole, black headed lapwing, African fin foot, blue naped mousebird, crowned eagle to mention but a few this shall indeed make ones safari at the Equator more fun.

The Uganda Equator can be viewed throughout the year. However, one can visit it on the dry months of the year such as January, February, December, June, July, August and September.    

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