List Of National Parks In Uganda And Their Locations : Uganda is also often as the Pearl of Africa is a country which is well renowned because of its stunning natural beauty and rich biodiversity and its good warm climate. This country also boasts a diverse wide range of landscapes surrounded with green lush vegetation, savannah grasslands, rainforests which all act as home to a remarkable array of wildlife species. more so, the national parks found in the country are embodiment of their natural splendor and each of these offers visitors with a unique and unforgettable experience and some of these game parks include;

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable national park is located in the southwestern region of Uganda and it is UNESCO World Heritage which is surrounded with a dense forest, rainforest which act as good natural habitats to many wildlife species. more so, this national park is famously known for hosting the large population  of endangered of mountain gorilla species hence ranking it is the only other destination where to go for gorilla trekking activities beside Mgahinga gorilla national park. more so, Bwindi impenetrable national park also has rich diversity of bird species and other various Albertine rift endemics and also touring around the park gives tourists chances to engage into many intresting activities such as; hiking to trails and waterfalls, community visits and cultural encounters where they get to interact with Batwa pygmies.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Mgahinga Gorilla national park is located in the southwestern region of Uganda and it is famously known as the one of the vital sanctuary which hosts endangered mountain gorilla species hence making it one of the best destinations in the country where to go while on your gorilla trekking safaris. More so, Mgahinga gorilla national park is a transboundary conservation area which shares borders with other countries like; Rwanda and the Democratic republic of Congo and touring around this park helps you one to enjoy the breathe taking volcanic landscapes and visit within the neighbouring communities where they gain cultural experience as they interact with  the Batwa pygmies and get to learn more about their traditions, culture and customs among others.

Queen Elizabeth national park.

Queen Elizabeth national park is located in the western region of Uganda and it is well known for its diverse eco systems and as the only destination where tourists get to see tree climbing lions. More so, this national park is ranked as the second largest national park and exploring within this park gives you chances to explore through vast savannah, forests, wetlands, get to see the scenic Kazinga channel which connects waterbodies like; Lake Edward and Lake George and also touring around the park one gets opportunities to over look at wildlife species such as; elephants, buffalos, and also abundance of birdlife.

List Of National Parks In Uganda And Their Locations : Murchison Falls National Park.

Murchison falls national park is located in the Northeastern region of Uganda and it is famously known as the largest national park in the country which is named after the spectacular Murchison falls which act as the main tourist attraction within the park where the Nile River flows through a narrow gorge. More so, Murchison falls national park is also commonly visited because of its impressive wildlife that tourists can see while touring around several areas and some of these animals include; leopards, giraffes, leopards, lions and numerous bird species.

List Of National Parks In Uganda And Their Locations
Murchison Falls N.P

List Of National Parks In Uganda And Their Locations : Mount Elgon National park.

Mount Elgon National park is located in the Eastern region of Uganda shares the border of Kenya and it is also known to be a home to Mount Elgon  which is an extinct volcano which is one of the world’s largest calderas. And touring around this game park gives individuals chances to embark onto intresting activities like; hiking, bird watching, caves and waterfalls. More so, it is also known for its diverse flora and fauna.

And apart from the above mentioned, there are many more parks in the country where tourists can visit and some of these include; Semuliki national park which is located in the western part of Uganda, toro semliki wildlife reserve which is also situated in the western part of the country, kibale national park, kidepo valley national park which is situated in the Northeastern region of Uganda and many others.

Contact our tour operators for more information about the list of national parks and their locations and then book with tours and travel companies such as; Explore Rwanda Tours who offer the best tour packages while on your safari in Uganda.

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