United Kingdom Bans Flights from Uganda : The British high commission issued a statement to the public and the Uganda government on the ongoing increased cases of covid-19 in Uganda which have claimed a number of lives of people. Uganda confirmed her first case in March 2021 but with the case the country was able to control the first phase of covid-19 with a number of covid-19 safety measures in Uganda to avoid the spread of the virus.

However with the second phase of covid-19 it came with a number of overwhelming cases which also led the president of Uganda his Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to come up with a number of safety measures like mass vaccination and the recently 42 days lockdown of the country in order to manage the covid-19 cases which had let to a number of deaths in the country. With this, the British high commission issued a statement to the ministry of foreign affairs of Uganda concerning the revised border measures for travellers entering the United Kingdom. With a number of risk community transmissions of covid-19 variants, the united Kingdom Ministers took the decision on 24 June 2021 to add Uganda to the red list of the countries that are under the travel ban to the united kingdom.
It should be noted that Uganda on 24th June was also added on the red list and it was added to a number of countries in Africa and the rest of the world that have had a number of outbreaks of new covid-19 variants. Among the countries on the united kingdom red list travel ban include Rwanda, Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, brazil, Burundi, Colombia, cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, the democratic republic of Congo, kenya, Lesotho, Guyana, French Guyana, Namibia, Oman, panama, Paraguay. Peru, Qatar, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Zambia, Uruguay, Zambia and Zimbabwe and there are a number of other countries that are yet to be listed because of the increased variants that have been seen in a number of countries and because of the need to avoid importing new covid-19 variants in the united kingdom.

Which people can access United Kingdom from Uganda
There has been an exception on a number of people that are able to access the United Kingdom from Uganda and these include; British nationals, Irish nationals and third country nationals, Irish nationals and third country nationals with residence rights in the United Kingdom who have departed or transited Uganda within the 10 days prior to the arrival in the united kingdom.
For all the passengers that have accessed united kingdom from Uganda will be advised to undergo a 10 days in a government –approved managed quarantine in order for the virus to incubate in case the tourists were exposed to the virus and this will help to avoid the spread of the virus to other united kingdom residents. It is also mandatory for all the passengers that arrive in united from a number of countries to take a covid-19 test on day two and day eight of the 10 day quarantine period after arrival in the country.
When will the ban be lifted
For people interested in visiting United Kingdom from Uganda it should be noted that the measures are temporary measures that will be kept under review. The travel restrictions will only remain in place when the risk of variants is still high but when the risk become low then the country can be removed from the red list and this can be seen with a number of countries that have been taken off the red list all this as a measure to avoid the spread of covid-19 variants which have claimed a number of people’s lives.