Top Tourism Activities in Congo 2021 : Congo is among the richest countries in Africa with a number of attractions that have made it one of the top destinations in Africa that can be visited if you’re interested in watching a number of  wildlife by visiting the different national parks in Congo that will give you a chance to see numerous bird species for tourists interested in birding, you will also get to see a number of wild animals including the different  gorilla species like the  river Congo gorilla species, mountain gorillas, lowland gorillas that can be seen in the different national parks like Virunga national park, Kahuzi Biega national park, Salonga national park and many other attractions that make the country one of the most rewarding destinations in Africa.

Mountain Gorilla trekking

Mountain gorilla trekking should be on top of your list among the top tourism activities in Congo 2021. The activity carried out in virunga national park which is home to the endangered mountain gorillas in Congo.  Gorilla trekking in virunga national park can be carried out in Kibumba area of the park where tourists will get to the habituated gorilla families in the park that will give you the opportunity to spend an hour with the gorilla families observing their different behavior in the park, their feeding patterns, their co-existence with one another, their diet which comprises of bamboo shoots, fruits, edible leaves, termites and other small insects and at the end of the day, you will get to take pictures of the gorillas for memorable experiences in the park.

Lowland gorilla trekking

For tourists interested in getting to know more about the different gorilla types in the country, you can participate in lowland gorilla trekking in Kahuzi Biega national park where you will have the chance to understand more about the lowland gorillas that are quite different from the mountain gorillas in virunga national park in terms of physical description for instance the fact that the gorillas have brown fur as compared to the mountain gorillas with the black fur, the lowland can also be found along the low land areas of the park which are quite different from the mountain gorillas that are found within the high elevation of the mountain as compared to the mountain gorillas that are found in high elevations  among other interesting features of the lowland gorillas in the park that will make the activity quite memorable.

Top Tourism Activities in Congo 2021
Lowland Gorillas

Visiting Senkwenkwe gorilla orphanage

The Senkwenkwe orphanage was established as a way to give hope to a number of gorillas that lost their parents as a result of poaching. The Congo war led to a number of gorillas to be killed and as a result, there were a number of orphans that were left to die without parents but as a result,  a team of park rangers from virunga national park rescued the orphans Ndeze and Ndakasi that were found in Goma town  and brought the orphans to the park where they were put in a confined area to protect them from poaching and as a way to give them a second chance to life.  With a number of online campaigns that were made, the team was able to raise money and thus the establishment of the Senkwenkwe gorilla orphanage and because poaching is among the biggest problems in the park, the  number of orphans has increased. At the orphanage, you will volunteer to take care of the gorillas for a day by feeding the infants, cleaning their sleeping areas as you also get to see how the primates adjusted to living in the orphanage, how they carry out their daily activities and many other interesting features of the primates that are being trained to be released into the wild.

 the increased poaching, they realized there would be a big problem for the gorillas and that is why they started an online campaign to raise money. From numerous donations all around the world, they were able to raise a huge sum of money that was used to establish the facility.

Visiting Lwiro chimpanzee sanctuary

Just like the Ngamba chimpanzee sanctuary in Uganda, you can participate in visiting Lwiro chimpanzee sanctuary which was established to protect the number of chimpanzees whose numbers were decreasing, Lwiro chimpanzee sanctuary was established to protect the orphaned chimpanzees that were as a result of smuggling and poaching because of their  monetary value.

Top Tourism Activities in Congo 2021
Lwiro chimpanzee sanctuary

While visiting Lwiro chimpanzee sanctuary as part of the top tourism activities in Congo 2021, you will get to spend time with the chimpanzees as you observe their behavior in the sanctuary as you also watch a number of other attractions like the numerous bird species, monkey species like the colobus monkey, baboons parrots, turtles, porcupines and many other attractions that make the chimpanzee sanctuary quite adventurous.


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