Facts About Virunga National Park
Facts About Virunga National Park will give you the best knowledge about what Virunga National Park holds and the key points one should look at when visiting the place. Below are some of the Facts About Virunga National Park

- Home to gorilla species: This is the most important of all Facts about Virunga National Park as travelers get a chance to visit these species. Virunga National Park is home to here gorilla species in Congo that is to say the mountain gorilla which are the most common throughout the park, there can also be sightings of the eastern lowland gorillas. It should be noted that the different gorilla species are different with regards to characteristics, the habitat and a number of other
- Home to the endangered species: Interested in seeing unique endangered species, in the world, Virunga is the park to visit because it will give you the opportunity to see a number of animal species, primate species that are considered endangered for instance the okapi which is sometimes called the forest giraffe, the giraffe zebra because of the similarities it has with the zebra and the giraffe. The graceful herbivore that can be seen grazing in the plains of the park which is quite eye-catching with its striking stripes and its head which looks like that of a giraffe the mixed resemblance between the two animals makes it look even more beautiful. Other endangered species include the mountain gorillas which can also be seen in the park.
- Home to 3 great primate species: The park boasts of a number of natural attractions including three primate species to be specific apes which have contributed to the development of tourism in the park because of the need for different tourists to see and understand the different ape species. These include the eastern lowland gorillas, the mountain gorillas and the chimpanzees which can be seen in the Sekwenkwe gorilla orphanage for orphaned gorillas that are a victim of poaching which leads to family disintegration, the orphanage has a unique history that can be unfolded to you when you visit the Senkwenkwe gorilla orphanage in virunga national park.
- One of the richest national parks: Virunga national park is by far one of the richest national parks in Congo in terms of biodiversity and natural resources. The park boasts of over 2000 plant species, the park is filled with wetlands and on arrival, you can see the different swamps which are home to a number of bird species including the water birds and a different number of grassland species like; papyrus sedge, sacaton grass and a number of other grass species. The park is also rich in minerals like oil, gold uranium and many other natural minerals which makes it the richest park in the country however with the minerals, it has led to the minerals threatening the park because of the need for mining to take place.
- Houses the tallest mountain of the Virunga Mountains: Virunga national park is home to the tallest mountain of the Virunga Mountains known as Mount Karisimbi which it shares with Rwanda. The virunga mountains are a chain of mountains that are shared by three countries that is Uganda, Rwanda and Congo and interesting about the mountains is the rich biodiversity that is protected in the different national parks that house the mountains that is to say Mgahinga national park in Uganda, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. All the parks that have Virunga Mountains have a number of mountain gorilla species that means gorilla trekking in Uganda, gorilla trekking in Rwanda, and gorilla trekking in Congo can be carried out because of the presence of habituated gorilla groups. It should be noted that mountain karisimbi has a rich history, for instance, it is where Dian Fossey established her Karisoke research station which also aimed at protecting the orphaned gorillas in Volcanoes National Park. Virunga national park is not only known for the many Congo gorilla families but also the different activities you can engage in while you visit the park for example activities you can participate in include; birding, Virunga mountains hike, canoeing on Lake Kivu, you can also participate in the anti-poaching patrols and see how poachers snares are destroyed, you can also participate in the chimpanzee habituation process and so many more to make the experience in the park memorable.
- Most Active Volcano: In Virunga national park, you will find the most active volcano in Africa Mountain Nyamuragira which is known for its numerous eruptions which happens every after two years making it the most active volcano in Africa. The Nyamuragira eruptions cause destruction of property, flora, and fauna which is so heartening for nature lovers but at the same time, it is a great tourist attraction in Africa for tourists interested in science and understanding the earth’s crust. In the park, you will be able to hike mountain Nyiragongo another active volcano which is known to have a large carbon dioxide toxicity which has led to the death of many children in the area, the mountain is believed to have erupted more than 32 times from 2002, it also has visible lava which can be seen below the earth’s surface which are very fascinating.
- 1st National Park to be established in Africa: This is one of the most interesting Facts about Virunga National Park. The park is believed to be more than 125 years making it Africa’s oldest national park that was established by the king of Belgium King Albert whose aim for the establishment of the national park was the need to protect and preserve the wildlife especially the mountain gorillas. Visiting the park will enable you to have a feel of the olden days. After a tour around the park by a tour guide from the trip, you get to find out about the first in habitats of the park which were the hunter-gatherers who depended on forest products like small living creatures, fruits, and natural herbs. The park was later encroached on by the Tutsi who were basically herders that encroached on the gorilla’s foods which forced them to migrate to different areas in the park. With a tour to the park, you will have the opportunity to discover more about the 1st national park in Africa.