Is Virunga National Park Safe?

Is Virunga National Park Safe? Virunga National Park is one of the most visited national parks in the democratic republic of Congo famous for its mountain gorillas and active volcanoes mount Nyiragongo and mount Nyamuragira. The park has attracted many tourists that are interested in carrying out gorilla trekking in Congo to visit the park which is relatively cheaper than gorilla trekking in Uganda and gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

Is Virunga National Park Safe?

Virunga national park is one of the national parks which have gained popularity worldwide because of the Congo gorilla families, the park is a home to the endangered mountain gorilla species that can be found on the virunga mountains that is Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabyinyo, Mount Karisimbi, Mount Bisoke, Mount Muhabura, Mount Nyiragongo, Mount Nyamuragira and Mount Mikeno which offer magnificent attractions and views at the different slopes of the mountains you will be able to see the other gorilla families  like the Uganda gorilla families that can be seen in Mgahinga national park, Rwanda gorilla families can be seen on the Rwanda gorilla tours.

With the different tourist attractions and activities in the park, it has attracted and caught the attention of tourists globally who have interests of visiting the country to carry out the different activities like gorilla trekking, boat safaris, camping, hiking the virunga mountains, visiting the Senkwenkwe gorilla orphanage among other attractions within the park.  A number of tourists have asked many questions regarding the safety of the activities, the park in general and so on;

Safety of Virunga National Park

Regarding the safety of the country has gone through years of prolonged wars, the park is free from all the insecurities regarding the warfare in the country. Virunga national park puts into account the safety of its tourists by ensuring that they have the best time while in the country. 

The park was closed in May 2018 due to the temporary kidnapping of the two British tourists that had come to visit the park this led to the closure of the park. However, it should be noted that since February of 2019, the park was reopened due to the increased security measures that were put in place to avoid any future occurrence of the incidents that happened in the past. There has been the recruitment of more security personnel, rangers and military to ensure that a park is a safe place for any tourist that is interested in visiting it.

Safety of the Activities in Virunga National Park

While visiting virunga national park, there are a number of activities that can be participated like gorilla trekking, visiting the Senkwenkwe gorilla sanctuary, mount Nyiragongo hike among other activities. If you are interested in taking part in the activities but you are sceptical about the safety of the activities and the environment here is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Virunga National Park activities are safe for anyone interested in them because of the security personnel that accompany you in order for you to have a safe activity, the park rangers and military accompany the tourists so that they are protected and also their property during the numerous activities that are carried out. In the park, you will feel safe because of the improved security measures that are exercised.

At the start of any activity in the park, tourists are first briefed on what to expect during the activity, the safety precautions, for instance, the tourists should always follow the lead of the guide and a ranger who is always in front of them and the other ranger behind them in order to protect them. The park ranger and the military personnel are always armed to ensure that in case of any emergency in the park, they are always ready to protect the tourists at any cost.

What is the Safest Route to get to Virunga?

While accessing virunga national park, you should always book in advance with your trusted tour company/operator to make arrangements for you in Virunga national park in order not to miss out on the fun. Since virunga national park is security conscious, you should always book in advance for them to make necessary preparations for you.

The safest route to access virunga national park is through the Goma town where you will be welcomed by park representative, a guide who is escorted by a military convoy to ensure that you are safe till you reach the park.

Is Virunga National Park Safe?
Is Virunga National Park Safe? Yes, It is.

Things to consider while traveling to Virunga National Park

  • You should always book with a tour company that has access to virunga national park to make your trip safe. Virunga national park trips are always booked in advance and therefore surprise visits without prior booking will not enable you to access the park. It should be noted that with booking it will enable the park representatives to pick you from Goma town where they always pick their tourists.
  • You should not arrange your own trip to the park because it might not be as safe for you as it is when you arrange your trip with the park.
  • You can visit the virunga national park website to understand and have an insight into the political stability or current situation in the park before traveling there.
  • Make your visa arrangements in order not to miss out on the fun filled experience in the park.
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